Table of contents:
- Make homepage
- In progress
- Filter documents tasks
- Recycle Bin
- Search
- Upload documents
- Upload and split
- Bulk actions
- Filters
1) Make homepage
Click on the star to make the current page the first page you see after logging in to your account. If the star's outline is yellow, the page is already your homepage.
2) In progress
This is where you'll find all the imported accounts payable that are yet to be processed. These in-progress invoices can get several different statuses indicating which phase they're in.
From this menu, you can accept or refuse invoices coming into your account, pay invoices from the platform or mark them as paid.
3) Filter documents tasks
Invoices imported to your Banqup account through email with two or more files attached will be displayed in the Filter documents tasks tab. From there, you can filter the incoming documents by determining the document type (invoice, credit note, expense, appendix).
4) Recycle bin
The accounts payable you deleted can be found in the recycle bin. If you've refused or deleted an invoice by mistake, you can restore it from this tab.
5) Search
Search documents on:
- Invoice number
- Supplier/client name
- Client number
- UDR number
6) Upload documents
Click on this button to open your computer's file explorer and upload documents.
7) Upload and split
When scanning multiple invoices resulting in a single PDF document, you can use this feature to split up the document into individual documents.
8) Bulk actions
When selecting one or more invoices from your list, several buttons will appear and allow you to take action on several documents at once.
9) Filters
Use these filters to reduce the number of documents visible and search more efficiently.
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