The Doc Center allows you to exchange documents - that aren't invoices - with your customers.
As an accountant, to share a document with a customer, go to your Billtobox Files and enter the customer's folder.
Sharing documents with my customer
Once in Billtobox Files, you'll find the Shared Documents folder:
Go to the Shared Documents folder, then to the Accountant to Enterprise subfolder, this is where you will upload the documents to share with your client.
Note: the customer sees these folders in the language of their Billtobox account, the accountant always sees them in English.
On the customer's end, the document is found in the doc Center, within the shared folder.
Note: if you delete the file from Billtobox Files, it will also be deleted in the Doc Center of your customer.
The customer can copy the documents to their personal Doc Center in which you, as the accountant, will not be able to delete anything.
Where do I find the files sent by my customer?
These documents are located in the Enterprise to Accountant folder.
Note: if you delete the file from Billtobox Files, it will also be deleted in the Doc Center of your customer.
The customer can copy the documents to their personal Doc Center in which you, as the accountant, will not be able to delete anything.
How do I know when my customer sent me a new document?
An email notification is sent from Billtobox Files to you to warn you of updates.
I don't have Billtobox Files, what do I do?
There are 2 scenarios:
- The Accounting App is not activated
This means that your client and you are not yet connected, you will need to activate the Accounting App - The Accounting app is activated but not with Billtobox Files
Your customer can initiate the connection with you from the shared folder of their Doc Center:
You will receive an email on the address provided by your customer to choose your password.
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